Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Tough choice

Josie slept well last night and woke singing again at around 7. 30. I left her to it while I got myself organised then went and got her up. Shreddies for breakfast as usual and she's turned down toast.
Colin headed off at around 10 to his mum's, and at around 11.30 I took Josie home to give her lunch, then her dad would arrive back and take over. Or that was the plan. In fact he hadn't gone to his morning appointment so he took over straight away.
I decided to make the most of my 4 hours or so of freedom and headed over to Linlithgow, I wanted to pick something up for Josie's birthday next month, in a shop there. I trawled the charity shops too, as one does. There is one of the Barnardo's specialist children's shops there so it is always worth a visit.
My Blip came from a take away on the main Street in Linlithgow, it made me smile especially the bit about deep fried pizza. I've a feeling that may be a Scottish thing and one I've enjoyed in the past.
I had an hour or so at home then headed to Katy's so that she and Jon could go out to celebrate their anniversary - which was last week. This is the first evening they have both been off since then.
I gave the girls tea then it was soon bedtime. Isobel informed me I had to read her two chapters of "A monster ate my packed lunch" then she would clean her teeth then I would read her a page out of "The Week" children's newspaper. It's actually Eilidh's subscription but Isobel enjoys it more. She's interesting, she far prefers fact to fiction. Her favourite books are biographies of famous people this series :
Has been really popular. She's an interesting wee girl, she's still only six.
I've done my mum thing now and tidied and cleared the kitchen and am finally sitting down. I'll do blip then Duolingo then, once I get home I'll be able to sink straight into my bed and my book. (Well after feeding the cats of course!) No long lie tomorrow as I'm on duty at church.
Glad to say Storm Betty seems to have missed us, hope nobody else has suffered too badly.

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