Come into the Garden

By aprecious

What's that noise?

What is that noise?

Is it a lorry delivering lots of lovely things for me to eat? Sausages?

Is it the cats having a party downstairs without me?

Is it a herd of gazelles? I don't think there are gazelles in Rossendale but maybe they got lost? I got lost this morning. I went left when I should have gone right. That's why I'm in the bedroom. It's easily done when you're not concentrating. That's what aprecious says when we go to Rawtenstall but end up in Todmorden.

The noise is close. In this very room.

There is a monster in this house. It is upstairs when I am downstairs and I am forced to bark at it, loudly. I am not afraid of the monster.

I think the noise is the monster; the upstairs monster. I am upstairs. aprecious is upstairs. The noise is upstairs. aprecious is the monster? QED?

Didn't sleep, didn't swim. Slept when I should be swimming. So feel fine! Will swim at lunch time.

Go Large :)

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