Sea Fever

I must go down to the seas again, for the call of the running tide
Is a wild call and a clear call that may not be denied;
And all I ask is a windy day with the white clouds flying,
And the flung spray and the blown spume, and the sea-gulls crying.

John Masefield, from Sea Fever

Another glorious day - possibly the best yet! Clear skies, warm (mid 70s) and everywhere looking its very best. We have just had supper al fresco, wonderful but the midges are now gathering.
It was Bantry Fair Day and it was heaving. It took ages to get anywhere for everyone was in town and eager to discuss the joys of the weather - we are all pink and giddy with it and have not seen the like since March 2012!! I stopped off at a little headland on the way home to see if the orchids were blooming yet - they were. There was an amazing profusion of wild flowers , a vast expanse of sea and an angry seagull. This little headland has several tiny private beaches, each with a sprinkling of white sand. I paddled. It was freezing. Home to a bit of gardening and then I decided I had to try and swim. Back to the headland. It was still freezing. I got knee high and could go no further. But look how clear the water is and the bottom is covered in little shells. Maybe I''ll try again tomorrow.

An early rise tomorrow for I have to do the last bit of the bird survey which entails getting up at 4.45am but the forecast is good and I might get a sunrise. Have a good weekend everyone.

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