
By TonyG

Distant Hills

Cader Idris and Criag yr Aderyn on a hot blue sky morning.   I was out blackberrying again, Meg mooching along the hedgerow checking out all the animal scents.  Too hot for a run with the ball, this slow mooch better than nothing.   After a similar pick yesterday I have a big pan of blackberries ... lots if jars of Bramble Jelly to come :-)

I'd taken a call from my boss as I set out, asking if I could add a couple of hours at Abergynolwyn onto my afternoon shift in Wharf shop.  So it was a quick trip home with the fruit, change, freshen up and out again.   The heat seems to be addling my brain, I thought for a while after work that I had left my house and car keys behind in the now locked building .... a certain amount of unnecessary walking about in the heat before I found them under a piece of paper at the bottom of my bag, under my shopping.  Blah!!   Toooo hot!

Nice meal at Jamie's and having lent him an electric fan, a cooling draft as we sit down to watch Miranda.  Will be glad when cooler weather returns.

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