Come On The Rhydding

It's been a day of trying to fix bugs ahead of tomorrow's big demonstration - try being the operative word. Progress has been frustratingly slow. The joy of yesterday's freedom has been replaced by the misery of being imprisoned by responsibility. I did take a few hours out of the day to sit in the sun and watch the club play local rivals Burley in the cup. Sadly, the heroics of two weeks ago couldn't be repeated and we lost what was a competitive and entertaining game.

This is a shot of Forrest fielding on the boundary in front of the Ben Rhydding supporters. It's being posted to preserve the memory of the summer of 2013 in case, like last year, we only get the one spell of settled weather. I rather like the bare feet and the shades and all that concentration. They are a great bunch of people, players and followers alike. It's like one big family really. The spirit in the club is fantastic and that has been a major factor contributing to the success they have enjoyed on the field in the last few years. It was good to feel part of that for a short while today.

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