Plantation Garden terrace

Continuing with the 'do nothing' theme of Saturday, Sunday morning just involved listening to the Archers and a quick nip into town to get a couple of items of stationery then a stroll around to the beautifulVictorian Plantation Garden with Roland which is about 10 mins walk away from our house.

The purpose of our visit today was to pick up a couple of programmes for a 'gardens' weekend that they are organising on 22/23rd June including a packed lineup of music on both days. For the princely sum of a fiver each we get access to about 20 local gardens and to both days of music. And one of my favourite bands - Klezmerized - are playing early evening on the 23rd. That alone is worth a fiver.

The gardens are just 'ordinary' but lovely. We're not talking Chelsea Flower Show.

I'm probably going to be otherwise occupied on the afternoon of the 23rd (more of which later) but it'll be a nice way to spend some time.

Sunday was topped off by going to the ukulele jam session with Neill, then home to a lovely roast cooked by Roland.

I feel much more relaxed and 'in balance' and ready to face the week. I'm particularly looking forward to a 'We Are Norwich' meeting on Tuesday evening.

I think the fact that the internet connection at home has been down since Friday evening has helped.

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