
By lucia13

Are you looking at me?

Hello friends! Today is another grey and windy day. In the afternoon we have little sunshine and clouds but most of the day it was awful. I am very tired. I couldn't go to visit my swans. I need to rest today .
I only were to the the supermarket near the river and took this pic on the way ,one of the most beautiful and big private gardens of the town. I love the daysies .I was enjoying for one hour the sunshine in the garden at least and suddenly the day became horrible so this weather is little be crazy. It changed many times today. Now it is raining litlle bit.
I need to rest a lot today to be ok tomorrow. The journey to London was a lot for me .
Well I hope you enjoy this beautiful little horse. I thinks Ruth told me he is Spanish. I am not sure but I like him a lot . Always there are two together but today I only saw one. He saw me and looked at me like what are you looking at me..!! I made little noise to get his attention but only looked a couple of times . He ignored me.
Thanks for visiting my sheep yesterday. It was not a nice pic but the day didn't help a lot neither.
I hope you had a nice day and nice weather. xx

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