
By lucia13


Hello my friends! Hope you have a nice day. Here was an awful day, a lot worse than yesterday. It was not grey , it was black and windy all the time. A little rain and not even one ray of sunshine.. I couldn't go anywhere. Still I am recovering from my trip and the weather doesn't help me a lot really.
I didn't go to see my swans again. Sorry ! Hope they survive this windy day. Hope tomorrow will be better .
I finished one painting in the living room and the doors in the garden were open for the ventilation because of the oils . Some insects came in like this kind of monster fly . I don't know what it is but I think it is one butterfly . One strong insect that can resist less than 25 degrees . She was posing for me in one old newspaper I used for my paintings on the floor to protect it from becoming dirty from the oils .
She just chose this face. It was funny . I took my camera and took few pictures . I pushed the insect with a spoon to his mouth . It was little scared but she doesn't care . She didn't fly around or escape from me . She only was posing there or a while.. Maybe she was tired or she likes Mourinho hehe!!.
I met him once in the Chelsea hotel and many of the Chelsea players . I have photos with many players but not with him. It was few years ago when he was the manager of Chelsea . I find him a little arrogant. I heard he is going back to Chelsea again. Hope the fans of Chelsea are happy .
I think this is a funny blip for today. Hope anybody is not offended by this blip. It is only a fly in the newspaper. It could be any famous person.
I had time in these few days to enjoy many of your blips and really I like them so much. Thanks for sharing such beautiful images.

Thanks for your comments and visits to my blip journal. Have a nice day and I hope you have a big smile today. xx

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