
By sleepyduck

Orange Bus Stop Bloke II

Number fourteen in my series The Regulars.

Those of you who have been paying attention to my nonsensical ramblings may recall Orange Bus Stop Bloke. Actually, those of you who have been paying attention to my nonsensical ramblings probably ought to find something more productive to do with your time, but that's not my concern :-) Anyway, Orange Bus Stop Bloke (henceforth to be known as Orange Bus Stop Bloke I) is the guy who wore high-visibility clothing and a safety helmet (which, as TFP correctly pointed out, hovered several inches above his scalp) and waited at the bus-stop which is no longer a stop for buses.

Orange Bus Stop Bloke II wears high-visibility clothing and a safety helmet and waits at, or in the vicinity of, the same ex-bus-stop. But he is a different bloke.

So what has happened to Orange Bus Stop Bloke I? Maybe he persistently failed to meet his targets and was sacked. Or perhaps he's just on holiday and Orange Bus Stop Bloke II is a temp.

And yes, yes, yes, I know who you really want to see, but I haven't seen her for a couple of weeks. I think she's on holiday. Possibly with Orange Bus Stop Bloke I.

On a completely different subject, and in order to clear up any misunderstanding (yes, tmg, I'm talking about you!), I have to make it clear that I am not Sam's father. I'm just Uncle Sleepyduck. Though I'm not really his uncle, I'm just one of those odd "Uncles" that a lot of kids have....

The weekend is getting closer :-)

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