Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

Seattle World

I did it! I skipped a blip yesterday. It wasn't so hard. :-)

We have been home from the island for 5 days with our long "to do" lists, getting more stressed out that things don't seem to be getting crossed off fast enough. This morning at Tai Chi I was reminded that I do know how to calm the chatter in my head. This afternoon we went downtown to the 49th floor of a fancy office building to sign our wills and health directives, one of the items we can now cross off, thank goodness. I found that task not so pleasant. So to make something more positive out of it, I thought I'd try to blip the stunning ("priveleged") view as I don't plan to be there again. (Well, maybe once with our kids ....)

Couldn't get a 360 panorama but this is maybe 160 degrees to the north and made into a "planet" just for fun. The buildings are fairly clear if you look large- I can almost see my home on Lake Union (about 2:30 on the clock) Couldn't get rid of all the reflections, and there was quite a mix of clouds and blue sky and not a perfect "seam". Oh well. If you want to see the real panorama, go HERE.

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