
By SparseRunner


Today I gave talks two and three in my course. There weren't so many in the audience, but that's to be expected, as I was "new" yesterday. For lunch, rather than eat quickly on the campus, four of us went into the city to have Encebollado, a stew made with a meaty tuna-like fish that is arguably the national dish. It was tasty, and I enjoyed the plantain crisps that came with it. They are a common accompaniment to meals here, and have more of a "bite" than potato crisps. Then it was back to the campus for a talk by one of X's colleagues. Tired from work, heat, humidity and eating, I struggled to stay awake, knowing that I'd be expected to engage. In the event, I learned something and found an angle to ask intelligent questions.

Today I was driven back to my hotel in an ESPOL pick-up truck, whose driver was a pro when it came to negotiating the street and traffic at speed: exciting! I've added a random street scene, snatched when we were stopped by a traffic light. 

I now have the full evening to finish tomorrow's talks and make a start on those for Thursday, as tomorrow evening I'm having dinner with X, his wife, daughter and some colleagues. I'm tired, but it's satisfying to pull off the late preparation that I just couldn't focus on before I arrived. 

I now have a booking document for my flight back to Europe, and have to assume that I'll be on the passenger list! Apparently I'm getting closer to bring refunded for the replacement flights that I bought in Phoenix, but I'll have to be paid in cash. Although Ecuador uses US Dollars, his isn't ideal, as I don't know when I'd spend then, and I'd take a hit converting them into sterling. I'd trust ESPOL to try to pay it into my bank account, but I know success isn't guaranteed, so cash is probably preferable!

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