An evening .....

..... in Brick Lane.

This afternoon I had a trip in to ( London ) town. I had a wander around the Photographers gallery, ICA and Whitechapel gallery. I mostly looked in the bookshops as they either had no exhibitions on or ones I had seen before.

The main reason for my trip in to town was to visit Sarah Smith's degree show. I met up with the wonderful LondonSparrow (M) on Brick Lane and we had a wander up to the Rocket Gallery ( getting lost on the way ) for a look around before heading down to the Truman Brewery building for Sarah's show. We arrived before the official opening and got to meet Sarah as she was giving her photo frames a final dusting, it was great to finally meet Sarah ( who is lovely ). There were half a dozen universities having their photography degree shows in the building tonight and loads of great work to look at, Sarah's work was amongst the best there for me.

After viewing quiet a few rooms of photography myself and M needed a break so headed down Brick Lane for a curry. Whilst there we were joined by ( the third lovely lady blipper this evening ) Sara Evans. After finishing our food ( and Sara her beer ) we headed back to the show for another look around and plenty of chatting about photography and blip and blippers. I mentioned that one of the photo's I'd taken earlier today wasn't really me and started an interesting discussion with Sara about choosing photos, so I thought I'd blip one of the photos taken whilst at the show today ( from inside the mens' loo looking out in to the courtyard full of trendy folk smoking ) which is a bit different for me.

It was lovely to meet LondonSparrow again and Sarah and Sara both for the first time today ( but I'm sure not the last ). I have put a few photos from today HERE. I'm a bit late blipping as I've just been watching the International Space Station fly over my parent's house with my dad, but today's blip is .....

..... An evening in Brick Lane.

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