Capital adventures

By marchmont


Got through the door at 00.10 after a bus tour round the airport. Seems noone could decide which international arrivals to deposit us at.

Of course the house was freezing so it was straight to bed with a HWB but I could not sleep. The usual problem after too much walking and sitting badly. Drugs, a shower and the HWB helped, a bit.

But up and in the pool at 7.05. Then through to Cumbernauld. An unscheduled meeting meant nothing in the list got done but we did have a good staff development session. 

I was home at 5, just as it got dark and I finally put the clocks back. Then I did some work and got involved in a WhatsApp discussion about our weekend away, in December. Still haven't unpacked but I did go to SCD. Sat out a couple of dances. The slow ones are worse.

Willow was avoiding me earlier, in the huff? but now she is back sleeping in my legs. 

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