The Lawn

This is the one and only shot I took today. It's our beautifully manicured and well kept front lawn.
Otherwise known as the out of control wildflower meadow!
I had a fantastic day today. I went down to London to meet Miss T who's over from Australia.
I rushed to school, rushed the Little Misses into their classes and rushed to the station.
And then I had a leisurely cup of coffee and read the paper because the train I had been rushing for was cancelled due to lack of available train crew. Seriously, did they not notice this train on the timetable? Did they not remember that they'd need someone to drive it?!!!
Anyway, I got there eventually and it was so so so good to see Miss T and have a fabulous moochy day round London.
With no children, woohoo!!
Covent Garden, Soho, tea, scrummy Thai food with a couple of bottles of Chang (happy memories!!), beautiful sunshine, beautiful London, my fantastic generous friend......
Happy days!
Mr K was picking up the Litlte Misses from nursery and After School Club so I decided to go for a quick swim - to use the snazzy new goggles Miss T bought for me.
I had a bit of a half hearted splash about - trying to ignore my sore neck, aching ankle and general knackeredness - and then had a lovely ten minutes in the sauna.
I eventually got back to the changing room to discover I had loads of missed calls from Mr K.
Surprisingly I didn't panic thinking something awful had happened to the Little Misses, I just thought it was Mr K being a little over-zealous in his attempts to locate me!
He was actually ringing to ask where the car seats were. Idiot that I am with all my rushing about this morning I hadn't actually given the car seats a single thought! Oops!
Apparently the headmistress was helping Mr K to look in all sorts of places that I might have hidden the car seats!!
But all was well, I eventually got to school at about 6.40pm to find them all happily tucked up in Mr K's car watching Octonauts on the iphone.
I will shortly be tucked up in my bed falling asleep after a few minutes of Game of Thrones!

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