
By strawhouse


The oven is in!
Of course the electrician turned up when I was in the shower and had just covered my hair in conditioner. The door was on the latch and I'd told Miss E to listen out for Mrs K and her boys who were due to arrive. Miss E came into the bathroom and said she'd opened the door "but it was a man".
So I had to jump out, grab my robe and run to the door dripping wet and take him through to the kitchen. Not at all embarrassing!!
And the Little Misses were both naked which just added to the good impression we were making!!!
Then he dropped a bit of wood on Miss L's head so she started screaming the place down.....
Anyway, we have an oven, hooray!!!
It was lovely to see Mrs K although the kids took it in turns to be grotty and squabbly and get shouted at! Why can't they understand we want some peace and quiet so we can drink tea and gossip?!! Ha ha!
Colouring this afternoon. And gluing and sellotaping.
And possibly glittering and pipe cleaner bending.
It's all go here!!!

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