
By AideDeCat

Day 4

For those eager for news of the installation of the front door; that's been postponed until next week. A rebate has to be cut in the blockwork, and the correct tools are not on the van.
Alternative stripping-out activity involved taking up the last of the flooring in the hallway &c. and taking down the skewed wall in the back of the "cloakroom", i.e. the essential second w.c. in any home. This has revealed the original external wall of the barn section of the house, and the original wall opening on the right, into which the staircase and corridor to the bedrooms was inserted when the house was converted 30 years ago. This stud wall needs to be rebuilt so there's a right angle where the corner basin will be going.
There was a very welcome visit from the site supervisor this afternoon, who's a very no-nonsense chap and has high standards, which I've found very reassuring. He and another manager will be out tomorrow to do a detailed plan of what needs to be done, and when, in order that the job can progress smoothly. I think, by the end of tomorrow, I should be pretty happy about the first week's efforts.

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