
By davidc

Flower Friday: Gerbera

I chose this flower for today's FF challenge, hosted by Bikerbear - it's in a small bouquet belonging to my Editor.

Thanks so much to everyone who gave good wishes for our Son#2, following my backblip from yesterday in which I mentioned his hospital treatment. I'm pleased to say that so far at least he's recovering remarkably well after his 6-hour procedure yesterday and has been transferred from ITU to a lower dependency ward.

Remember: Tomorrow is the 1st Saturday of the month and is therefore a hosted Silly Saturday in memory of Admirer. 60plus has kindly agreed to host it this month so please have a think and blip something really silly to make her chuckle! The tags are SilSNov2023 or SilS370. Go on - you knopw you want to do it! :-))

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