Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Buzzy Body

The wattle out the front of our house is all of a bloomingness. Thus it has become of an exceeding attractiveness to small pollinators of the apiarian persuasian. This is the best shot I managed to get, and it might be of a bettering if viewed at a dimension of increasingness.

Today I learned that "hiccoughs" is not the original ("correct") spelling: rather, "hiccups" is correct/original, and "hiccoughs" is an example of folk etymology - the word was modified based on an incorrect idea about its origin. Which also led me to learn that "island" is another example of folk etymology, with the s added in the 16th century, because of an inaccurate idea that the word was related to "isle". So "iland" was the original.

So there you go.

Had another massage today. Felt close to crying like a baby when she was prodding at a point below my left shoulder-blade, and another one higher up on the right. Then she went down to my calves, and I only just managed to not shriek like a nazgul. OMGWTFRUDOIN?! Not where I expected, either, interestingly. Then she did a bit on my anterior tibialis, poor wee odd muscles they are, and oh holy buggeration that was just a tad uncomfortable. She did say she was "giving it a workout", which I take to mean "pushing down like a steamroller". xP Feeling pretty good now though.

Didn't go for a run (tail end of the cold), but couldn't refrain from running briefly on the way back from the massage. I was pleased with how it felt, interestingly: feet were landing flat as pancakes, lifting up almost to my backside, straight and upright, smooth and very comfortable. Maketh me happieth.

I have some new games on my iThings: "Dots", "Spelltower", and "Letterpress". I might chuck Dots, as it rather rapidly seems to go nowhere, unless you spend your dots (gained as you join the dots in the game, or bought with actual real monies) on power-ups - which just seems to me a little silly. Spelltower is great - and I say that even as someone who is terrible at word games. It's like some mashup of scrabble or boggle and tetris. You have to make words out of the letters on the screen, and when you do, those letters (and sometimes others, depending on what letters and where they are, blah blah) disappear. In some of the modes rows keep adding, pushing the letters upwards, and if they reach the top, it's game over. Really good - and I'm quite bad at it. ;-) Finally, the game I'm playing right now with mrs tsuken: Letterpress. ... Correction: the game I was playing; she just beat me ... Time for a rematch. xP Anyway, it's a little hard to explain, but you have to make words from a screen of letters. When you make a word the letters you used (which start out white) turn your colour. It goes back and forth (two players) until all the letter tiles are one colour or another - you can change them back from the other player's colour subject to a few rules - or you both run out of words, and pass a go. The truly amazing thing is that I've won two games against mrs tsuken; the not-amazing thing is that she's won five.

So far. xP

My turn, so I'll stop typing.

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