Come into the Garden

By aprecious


Yesterday I received a phone call from Ban Ki Moon saying he was happy to come and take time out from sorting out difficulties with various bits and bats around the world and that he would happily act as mediator between myself and aprecious.

But then I went out for a bit of a walk today, and a bit of sunshine happened, and there were stones and sticks aplenty and I realised I may have been exaggerating about how hard done by I am. A bit.

So we have reached what I like to call a compromise. I will have my picture taken and allow myself to be a bit exploited, and aprecious can then feature me doing stuff I really love.

Like here.

And I am allowed onto the sofa. And the bed.

And occasionally have sausages.

And a Croc to run around the garden with.

That's the deal.

What a lot of photos I took that I liked... but hey I have updated my Flickr account so here they are: here, here, here, here and here. The one posted here won because I wanted one with her head face on and I liked the water and the stone captured mid air. I had a whole lot with her feet almost completely out of the water... but I would hate for her to get a Messianic Complex.

And how come I have time for this kind of frivolousness? Because I have finally submitted - as in to the library and never need look at again - my PhD. I will graduate in the summer term. Look out for the middle aged woman in the silly hat.

Best in Large.

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