Sunshine's over..

Looks like someone was having a cup of tea on this terrace and then it started to rain..

Off today. I woke up late, I needed that sleep! I was very lazy in the morning but then I went to the gym. The weather was not the best although the sun shone a little bit. It was mostly very cloudy and windy, and a bit cold as well. Where is the Summer?? Playing hide and seek, obviously!

I'm happy because I'm off this weekend. Tomorrow it's my birthday; however, I was not planning to do anything for it. Not really in the mood for celebrating it this time, to be honest, but I've finally decided to go for a couple of drinks this evening.

So, having something to eat now before I head off later on.

Thanks very much for all your nice comments and stars on my street shot! I hope you're all enjoying your weekend! :)

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