live and love your life

By Chocolatelover

Last day

in Makassar, South Sulawesi.

Took a walk in the morning at Losari Beach near our inn.
Took many photos, took this photo at Losari Beach then we had breakfast;ate chickent porridge,bought some souvenirs then back to our inn. We were preparing and tidying up our clothes into a suitcase. Our return flight 5pm. Before to the airport, we had lunch at Coto Nusantara, it's a Coto Makassar, yummy food. Then we headed to Fort Rotterdam. Then we headed to the place that selling es pisang ijo, we bought some then ate this pisang ijo before we went to the airport. We arrived to the airport at 3.45 pm, we checked in and said goodbye to our friends who was being very nice to us during our time in Makassar, being our guide, accompanied us. Thank you Ella, Ella's parents and Qahar. Good bye and see you in another time! :)

We all had a fab fun days in Makassar. Thank you God!

Hope you are all doing well. x


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