Kendall is here

By kendallishere

Still no ceasefire

It appears that the world is full of people who are horrified by the suffering in Gaza, who are speaking out about it, who cannot continue with business as usual, who are saying forcefully that the slaughter of people in Gaza must stop. 

The resignation letter of Ann Boyer is eloquent and gives words to what I have been feeling but have not said so clearly. I admire her action and her words.

When I woke this morning, my personal grief had lifted. The Buddhist practice of not pushing uncomfortable feelings away, of going into the feeling, being fully present for what is arising, is useful for me. I’m grateful for that practice.

Winter is settling in, but Sue and I puttered around as we often do, took a walk, rested on a couple of benches, built her book for Eliana, cooked together, and watched the new episode of the Baking Show. 

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