Ripples of fungi

Ok. It has stopped raining. But you should see the mud on the farm. Walking through it is so hard going - your gumboots are heavy with mud on the outside, and it is so slippery. I took my camera feeding out this morning. However, the cows do not deserve to star on blip today. Overnight they broke the electric fence, and ate all of the grass they were going to get today. They were so fat and full, they didn't even want their hay. But they got it, and they didn't like going into another paddock with only half the grass they should have had. Take that you silly cows - I hope you learn your lesson! Lol.

So instead, this little turned up fungi is my star on blip today. It's turned up ripples amused me - perhaps it is on the way out. Whatever is causing it, it's putting on a fine display for me today.

I just noticed that the raspberry bush is flowering. Now that is weird. It just goes to show that even the plant kingdom is confused with this global warming.

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