
By analogconvert13

Back To The Drawing Board. Lumix M4/3 14mm

Over the last few weeks, I have checked off almost all of the items on my household To-Do list, and I can clear my workbench for the next woodworking project.
We have a space in the living room below the bookshelves which hang off the wall.  The Interior Decorating Manager has requested something like a blanket chest which will stand on the floor below the lowest shelf.  Since access is limited from above, the chest will need to open in the front.  I'm thinking a bi-fold, horizontally hinged front panel.  The top will be attached to the sides and back.
There has been some discussion of what to do with the floating panels which will form top, sides and front.  We thought, What about a herringbone pattern which gives the illusion of being three-dimensional?  This needs a wood with a strong linear figure.  Initially, I had the idea of using spruce left over from harpsichord soundboards.  But the growth rings are so finely spaced, that the wood grain is too subtle; it doesn't "read" well.  Latest thinking is to use quarter-sawn white oak and walnut to heighten the light and shadow effect, a much stronger visual statement.  My next sample is with these two woods.  Watch this spot.

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