Mystery Building!

Annie is working down in Bristol staying over tonight. As of 9.30pm she was still in the office. It's another busy week.

I (Chris) had a bit of time before running this evening so I took a looping route from home to the club. I took one of the meandering backroads where Annie and I did our cycle training last summer to photograph this building. I have no idea what the building was used for, a google search turned up nothing other than some other pictures typically titled "mystery building"! A grain store, a water tower, who knows (I know someone out there in blipland will know!). I simply enjoyed the fact it seems to be becoming ever more overgrown as nature reclaims it!

A very warm run tonight, a bit too warm for me really so we cut a little short at the end before we all expired. Really feels like rain (and a cooling shower would have been perfect) but no sign yet!

Edit from Annie: As of 00:20 I'm just finishing up! Always lovely, when your day started at 05:30.

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