Time For Me ...

I have really had enough today all I seem to keep doing is the bits and pieces for my exhibition and no time for me, I really miss having my hour or so on here in the evening but by the time the eveninings get here I am so tired all I want to do is sleep. I thought it would be easy doing an exhibition just a few photos but that is not the case, there is so much more involved. I am really looking forward to my exhibition on 9th July but sometimes it gets me down as I get so busy, grrr.

Would I do another one ? ummm ... Yes if I make money from this one as next time I would know what was involved, but I would get outsiders to help me with all the other bits and pieces.

I have decided this afternoon enough is enough so I went out side to find a blip then I ended up lying on the lawn with Fudge running around me,Bless Him, it felt so great just chillling for a few minutes on the lawn even though it is dull here today.

This evening I am going to the Camera Club and they are having a portrait evening, Aaron and his girlfriend Thereza have volunteered to be two of the models, it should be a fun night. Aaron is really looking forward to it.

Catch up with commenting later, I am sorry I have missed your blips over the last week, please excuse me x

Here is yesterdays blip I didnt even get to upload that until now, grr.

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