Englishman in Bandung

By Vodkaman

Large gold fly

Today I have been using the Nikon D7000 for exactly one year. 34,000 clicks and 4,500 keepers later, it is still working well, despite a few quirks that have been present since day one, certainly one of my better purchases.

As for today's image, I only managed three shots of this splendid fly after trailing it from plant to plant, eventually losing sight in the glare of the sun. A pity really as some more angles would have helped in the ID. As it is, I really have no idea what it is, possibly bombyliidae (dee fly) or syrphidae (hoverfly).

So, not much to write about then. It's big (1/2" long), it's black, big head, hairless with a gold patch on its abdomen, nothing that you cannot already see. Hopefully I can come back later with a proper ID.

Update - Syrphidae Eristalis sp. This is as close as I am going to get - pity, such a striking bug at least deserves a species name.


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