Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Yard Birds

After an excellent yoga class this morning, I decided to spend some time in the hide - the perfect way to reduce anxiety and practice a little mental self-care.  I moved the hide and the perches around just a bit to take advantage of the low winter light.  And then I just settled in and waited.  Before long there were throngs of birds darting back and forth, mostly all small birds except for 3 Mourning Doves.  I confess that these aren't among my favorite birds - not that they aren't pretty, but more that they can be awful bullies at times.  And they are also not particularly challenging to photograph since they tend to stay rather still.  But, against the soft muted tones of the woods, this one looked really lovely.  

The most exciting sighting of the day (which unfortunately occurred when I was inside eating lunch) was a young Yellow-bellied Sapsucker.  He spent quite a bit of time at the suet feeder, so I am hopeful he will make another appearance when I'm outside to take advantage of it.  They really are beautiful birds and not all that common here in our woods.

Hubs and I watched "The Will" on Netflix last night.  It was a heartwarming story but the acting wasn't great.  Hard to watch mediocre acting after just having watched "The Crown" which was so well-acted.  Still, it was a good story.

I thought I'd put a link to a fantastic video I watched yesterday about Zimanga (where I will be at the end of March).  It's a little over 10 minutes, but great fun to watch if you're interested.  Click HERE .  What an adventure it will be!

Plain dark today.


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