The second half of life..

By twigs

Rush Hour

Again, I managed to leave work early-ish - just a wee bit after 4.30. Home to light fire before heading to town to get some ingredients so I can make my own liquorice tea.

I thought Binn Inn would be the answer to my ingredient prayers - fennel seeds - tick, peppermint - 'sorry, we haven't stocked that in a while', liquorice root - 'sorry, we've never stocked that' and fennel oil - 'what's that?'

So for now I continue with the tea-bagged variety.

Anyone know anywhere to source some liquorice root?

Early night tonight - crazily early for me. I went to the the library when I was in town and am heading to bed now to pore over the new pile.


Oh - and this image?

As I left the library this lovley girl was sitting on the wall waiting . . . . . . just waiting. Barefoot? In the middle of winter? Yes. You get that in Nelson (she's the second barefoot warrior I've seen in 3 days). And as she waited in stillness the world rushed home to its fires and heat and food and warmth. I asked if she minded if I photographed her. She didn't.

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