The Lighted Life

By Giacomo

Richard Musto

Richard is an 88 year-old man who lives in the streets of New York. A world War Veteran, Richard carries himself throughout midtown with the grace of a by-gone era. He romanticizes about the days when Burt Lancaster and Montgomery Cliff filled the silver screen. He offered me his belief that Montgomery was a much under-appreciated actor who is often criticized by current day critics who could not have even shined his shoes. And he laments that so many young men today have forgotten about their duty to country.

Richard carries his past not only in his head but also in volumes of folded paper in his pockets and items in his cart and upon his display tables set up on the corner of 28th Street and Sixth Avenue.

I am far from the only person who has noticed this man that has become a fixture of the streets of lower midtown. Richard is the subject of a wonderful book written by Joel Lamport who, much like I, happened upon this remarkable man and decided to get to know him. Richard is also the subject of a current photography exhibit. My only regret is that, at least for today, I had far to little time to explore his past or be regaled by his stories of this past century.

If you have time and the interest to learn of bit about this special and homeless man, please watch this video introduction created by Joe Lamport.

Thank you for your amazing visits and comments and stars and hearts on my blip of yesterday (and many others in the past). I am quite frustrated that I no longer have the time that I once had to spend here nor the time to always return your kindness. Life moves faster than I sometimes.

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