Kendall is here

By kendallishere

Trees and Corkers

I’m posting this photo from Sunday on Monday, President’s Day in the USA. The photo records a moment when Sue and I walked, as we often do, through Lone Pine Cemetery, where hundred-year-old (and older) trees have been allowed to flourish. I was drawn to the bright green moss around the base of this tree, and to Sue of course; she was fascinated by the ascending lines of tree bark. 

This morning the Guardian published a detailed and fact-packed article about the collusion of Portland’s mayor (about whom I have often complained) and Police (about whom ditto) in the right wing attack that resulted in the death of June Knightly and the quadriplegia and injuries of several brave young people and the shooter. The video tells it with great sensitivity, using a mixture of live video and cartoon-type images to replace images of people being shot or bleeding from gunshots.

In Portland many people go out into the streets to protest injustice and to encourage awareness of injustice and climate catastrophe, and since October 8 to demand a ceasefire in Gaza. June was a “corker,” (explained in the article), and all major protests here include corkers. We are grateful for them and for their courage and persistence. 

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