Peninsula Light

By PeninsulaLight

Sunset time snowy view towards the Drumderfit ridge from Munlochy. Had a selection of photos from a lunchtime wander, but the light and snow this evening was too good to miss, and a late break was taken.

Bus didn't come this morning, and as there weren't any buses heading the other way, it would have been a long while before any did appear. I headed back to commence working from home. If I had made it in, the building closed early, and with memories of the last time that happened - waiting at a bus stop for hours, and then walking seven miles home in the snow - I was glad I hadn't tried this time.

Years ago, and about six inches (150mm) of snow overnight, I finally managed to make it in from my home (in a higher more inland and snowy spot) at midday, only to be told we're closing at one. Think it was a six mile walk in before I reached the outskirts of Inverness, to catch a bus to the centre, and the same journey in reverse on the way back home.

With the forecast of much more snow, we're to work from home tomorrow.

Think this back-Blip marks 14 Blip years of my erratic uploads. As ever, I'm way behind. A big thank you to the creators and curators of the website, and all the good people that use it. Thank you for all the visits to my journal(s), all those generous stars & favourites, and on the rare occasions I can cope and enable them, your comments and good craic.

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