Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By cdsvfdcs

Elephant Greeting

Yesterday I was too tired to blip, I thought, but I couldn't resist pointing the camera at the beautiful light in the evening. So yesterday was backblipped this morning. Thanks to all those who appreciated my view.

And today was more of the same -showers - so it was some pick up, some puttering in the studio, and walking around to ooh and ah over all the little projects that kept H busy over the last 12 days. I think he got more done than I did.(building projects, broom pulling, trail clearing etc etc..)
Here is the ONE creative object that I have to show for my 12 days! (as promised...)

It's a "flutter book." Basically an accordion but attached at the spine, so when it sits open, it "flutters" (at least that is what I read about this book made in China centuries ago). It's very small, and can sit on a surface in many configurations, or just "read" like a regular book. I took the 28 photos in Africa last fall of these 2 bachelor elephants greeting each other over a period of 17 minutes. You can maybe get the idea from this....

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