2011 photo resolution

By karenanya

First shoe

This is one shoe of the first pair of shoes that T wore 32 years ago.  Both shoes went in the bin today,  coincidentally on his birthday, as part of operation 'clear the bedroom'. I'm not sure why we've held on to them for so long.  I think it was something that parents did in the 1990s. I was able to chuck them with no sentimentality today though other unearthed treasures did survive the clear out. I thought it was quite funny that the other shoe disappeared into the bin bag without a trace so I couldn't even do a photo of the pair. What I do remember is the unrelenting cost of baby shoes which were replaced about every 6 weeks. It was a relief when son number 2 didn't walk until much later and so didn't need quite so many expensive shoes.  
Today we emptied the large wardrobes, sorted the boxes that were stacked on top and cleared one large set of drawers. We now have sorted and labelled bags of rubbish to chuck, stuff to offer in our buy nothing group, clothes for a charity shop and clothes for the local clothes bins. 
The sort out will continue tomorrow in order to clear the room for long overdue  decorating. 

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