Nadine Pierce, a snapshot

By nadinepierce


It was a lovely sunny and warm morning - it was nice while it lasted. Spotted my first bumble bee of the season in NMB too. By the time I made it out it wasn't so nice but it was still dry. The rain returned later this afternoon.

This morning was spent on operation printer. First I reopened my ticket with Brother (the manufacturer) and sent them the report from the seller. They called a bit later and spent an hour on the phone with a lovely engineer - we ran a load of tests and his initial thoughts are that there's a fault with the printer (no surprise to me :) If I send it back to them directly they will run some tests free of charge and if it is faulty will fix or replace (also free charge). 

Interestingly he said while they can tell if liquid has been spilled inside it would be unlikely it would even work and is baffled as to how the seller can say so specifically its coffee. He also said that the seller has no official engineers, I was told it was a Brother engineer who looked at it.

Armed with this new info, and after going back through all my comments with a fine tooth comb, I sent an email back to the seller asking for more details on the test they ran,  'wondering if the printer could have been mixed up as there's no serial number and raising a few other points where their narrative isn't ringing quite true. No response yet but hoping if I'm a big enough bug up their behinds they may just sort out a refund. If not I have plan B which is to return it to Brother but feel that out of principle I shouldn't give up to easily with the seller. 

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