Wine,Women & Song

By CelloNerd

Sunset by the waterside

This bout of hot weather has got me hankering to get into or onto some water. Here, in Bellingham, there are plenty of options.

I was seeking a water-themed blipfoto for today. I had an idea for something with rowboats or canoes clustered together so I went for a walk around the Community Boating Center to see what I could see.

There was a crew busy with repairs to a boat trailer. Other than the sound of their tools and conversation, it was peaceful and still. I walked along a floating dock enjoying the tangy sea air, the warmth of the afternoon, the gentle creak and sway of the dock itself, and a few well-timed cries from seagulls overhead.

I took several shots of a boat tied up at the end of the dock. I was pleased with how they looked and was getting ready to leave when I glanced out at the bay to see this elegant heron poised on a line running across the water. He seemed to be curious about what I was doing, and why I was taking photos of an old boat instead of him! So, here he is.

{NOTE: apologies for the dirty smudges on my lens, souvenirs from the windy day at Point Pleasant Beach}

Dive into Bellingham Bay

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