
By soozsnapz

My lovely dad

Died 35 years ago today. So I only had him for half my life.  He died instantly of a heart attack, so in some ways it’s good, I suppose, that he didn’t go through dementia, or some other painful or horrible disease.  I only have a handful of photos of him - here he’s about 20 I think, so it’s 1935ish.  He’s at the seaside, with some friends, having fun, I think. 
Co-incidentally, I went today for lung health screening.  This is for ex-smokers (sadly I was stupid enough, back in the day). I’m piggy-backing on the fact that my GP centre is based in one of the most deprived areas in England, with one of the poorest health outcomes.  I was allocated there when my local GP closed down. So that practice is chosen for this special opportunity- using a CT scan they will detect stage 1 or stage 2 lung cancer (which has no symptoms so is generally not found) - at this point it is treatable, and the outcomes are very good.  By no means a death sentence. And, of course, it will save time and money for the NHS to nip it early. So, a fantastic opportunity which I am lucky to get. 
My dad smoked all his adult life, though he tried to stop. In the war soldiers were given a pack of 20 every day. It’s a horrible addiction, and very very hard to give up. I tried about 99 times before eventually managing. I’m with Rishi Sunak on this one subject.  Never mind Truss and her stupid ‘freedoms’. Addiction isn’t freedom. 

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