Everyday Life

By Julez


Once I was up and ready this morning Brian took me over to the care home to visit my Mum. She's doing ok - had no idea who I was of course! She was asleep a lot of the time I was there, but enjoyed her lunch when it was dished up. The food in there is far better than what they had where my Dad was.

This photo was taken from the car park at the home. It's surrounded by farmland. I don't think the cows and calves were enjoying the rain too much.

When Brian picked me up we went to Metheringham via a visit to Morrisons, and I put some fresh flowers on my Dad's grave. His 93rd birthday would have been tomorrow. Brian said he thought my Dad would appreciate the flowers. I said he'd probably prefer me to plant some veg instead. He only grew flowers for my Mum, or to lure greenfly away from his bean row!

We're home now and watching TV rugby league. Second half is about to start so I'll stop waffling on.

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