Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Wildflower walk

This afternoon, Lil (wildflower expert) and I checked the route for the Wildflower and Photography Walk. It's only two days away.

The best news is that the river level is low enough for us to cross to Gold Island. The wild flowers there are absolutely gorgeous right now, although the bluebells need a few more days to be at their best.

We found more and more new entries to the wildflower charts, including sweet cicely, leopards band, wych elm (yes it's a tree, but it was stunning), and slender speedwell.

Lil is a great one for spotting things and she saw this cluster of ladybirds on a tree trunk. Their colour makes me thinks that they have not long come out of the pupal stage, but I may be wrong. Do ladybirds cluster together as pupae? 

This morning, I had a review with my psychiatrist. Inevitably, this meant going over what happened when Mum died. He was very helpful and gave firm advice that I had to look after myself now and do things for me. I find that talking about Mum's last days is still too difficult and leaves me in a bit of a state. It will take time, just like it did with my Dad.

I was so tired that I did not download the images so this is a late blip. Apologies for that.

PS see information below from gen2.

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