Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Her Again

I took the 400 mm lens out for a spin this morning and found myself watching a group of blackbirds who'd staked out territory in the cattails.  The females were eating the seeds from the dried cattails and I suspect when they are further along with nests, they may use the fluff for lining.  The males, meanwhile, were busy displaying from nearby perches (see Extra).  I know I just blipped this species a few days ago, but I like this shot for the habitat it includes.

I also took the lens down to the shed to try it out on flying carpenter bees.  I'm happy to report, results were all I could have wanted.  I find that in busy settings (grass, twigs, leaves) I have to prompt the AF a. bit but that's not surprising.  Tomorrow I plan to put it to work on swallows and martins.

Jax spotted a bear just outside our fence again today and went into full-on crazy mode, running from window to window barking ferociously.  Eventually, he managed to get through the back screen door and tore across the yard to make sure the bear had high-tailed it into the woods.  Another, or maybe the same, youngster I've seen several times before.  My guess is that it's one of the cubs we had around last summer.  Fortunately, it is properly fearful of people (and brindle dogs).  It does make one exercise a little more caution however.  When I'm photographing the bees, which are not within the fenced part of our garden, I make sure Jax is watching over me.  Of course, sometimes that backfires as it did today when he got spooked by our big patio umbrella that was blowing about in
the wind, precipitating some very serious barking.  Now he's having happy doggy dreams on the sofa next to me.

I've finished the doxy, thank goodness, and now don't have to be so careful about sun exposure.  It was nice to put a short sleeve t-shirt on today!  

We watched "Bull Durham" last night and enjoyed it.  I think Kevin Costner and Susan Sarandon had such amazing chemistry in this movie, although it was she and Tim Robbins who went on to have a 23 year relationship and 2 children.  Anyway, a fun movie to watch.  


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