
By JanetH

Nearly forgot ...

I needed a lie in this morning as it is the only opportunity I've had and will have for the next week. It's been a day of catching up, sorting out, restoring Tomtom, processing and preparing to pack. I've struggled to get motivated and yet I've also achieved quite a bit. I've still got the ironing to do though! :-(( A two day turn around is a bit tight but I'm not complaining. I can't believe it is four weeks tomorrow since I started the Big Adventure. It seems to be going so fast! I feel so relaxed now.

I was just preparing to start the ironing when I realised I hadn't taken a single picture today. The sun is still out so I went for a quick trip round the garden. Trying to do macro shots in the wind is not a good idea though, hence the number of photos I took. Now I've loaded this I have no more excuses, I have to do the ironing!

I have loaded a small selection of photos from Taizé if you're interested. I haven't managed to do the rest of our holiday yet, they will follow.

Big Adventure Day 28 - Processing
Photos 45/3277

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