Life with The Pinks

By suzypink


Miss Pink and I went to the zoo today for a bit of Mummy and Miss Pink time. We didn't spend a huge amount of time looking at animals though. Miss Pink was more interested in the playground and pretending to be Dora the Explorer on an adventure. I was Boots!
We did however arrive at the Penguins at the right time, feeding time. The Humboldt penguins came out to eat their fishy lunch, followed by another group of penguins who ran in, in a penguin comedy type way! I haven't been so close to a penguin before, and it amused me that they all clearly had their own personalities. And cute names, Bam Bam, Pebbles, Levi to name three.
Miss Pink was quite adamant before we left that we didn't need a picnic, that we would come home for lunch. So I didn't pack any. At 12ish we were still doing the zoo, and Miss Pink declared she was hungry. I had a few snacks but no "lunch". I suggested we shared a portion of chips, but the usual chip place in the zoo was closed. We headed back up towards the top of the zoo, and went into one of the eateries. Miss Pink spotted strawberries on the menu, so we ordered a portion of strawberries and cream, and a sandwich to share. She polished off the strawberries, ate my crisps, and a bite of sandwich. And then said "when shall we have lunch then Mummy?". When we got home she went on to demolish a bowl of soup and two slices of bread!!

And I made the jam. Strawberry jam, made with strawberries from the garden. And it's yum!

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