
By Grammy

Today’s Hike

We checked the daily weather forecasts and today’s looked perfect. We decided to take a hike instead of going to the movies. Hubby wanted to show me a new trail he found last year while riding his bike. So glad he did. My first observation was the bright coral fungi. The mountain laurel was blooming throughout the trail. We saw some wild blueberry bushes in bloom as well as Jack in the pulpit, golden star, lyreleaf sage, and green arrow arum. The tulip tree bloom fell from a tree at our camp site. Our trail ended at this spillway at Swift Creek Lake. We missed getting a shot of a blue heron who flew just as we approached. On the way back, rather than seeing more flora, hubby spotted some fauna. He always leads the hike to make sure it is safe. First, he saw this common garter snake at the edge of the trail. We encountered three Fowler’s toads. As we got to the beginning of the trail, hubby saw the summer tanager, my favorite sighting. It was too high in a tree to get a crisp photo with my phone though. I must say, we certainly made the right decision today. I am glad I used my rescue inhaler before we left. The incline on the way back was quite steep. I decided to support these old knees with two trekking poles; another successful decision. We made turkey kielbasa and sides for a late lunch/dinner. Then the three of us took much needed naps. We woke up this morning around 4:00 am again. I needed more sleep. If we have more heavy rains and storms like yesterday or 90°F temps like forecast for tomorrow, for the rest of the week, I won’t mind. I am perfectly content with this trip now. I hope your week will be as rewarding. Stay safe. Thanks for stopping by. Millie says thanks for yesterday’s sweet comments. “ Hug the flora and fauna....They are the back bone of our environment. Never destruct them. ” - Usha Ramesh

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