
By HeidiHH

Evening walk

It's been tough day. Staying up with the Eurovision Song Contest until 00:30 does not suit me. But it was FUN!

I don't know what the culture is in different countries regarding Eurovision, but for us it's coming together, enjoying the snow and having fun. We cheer on everybody and hope everyone succeeds. And that's what I love about it.

Yesterday was was fun and I really think the presenters Malin and Petra did a good job. Can't wait for the next events.

I'm especially happy that Windows95Man got to the finals. I know lots of people don't get him, but I do. And I feel it's really two faced to bitch about his naked buttocks, when so many female artists are practically naked., but maybe covered in lace or other tight thin layer of whatever. Those costumes leave nothing to imagination.

Anyway. Had the new physiotherapist today.And boy, I feel like I've been through a pinball machine last 7 months. Each visit or contact has pushed me to other direction and now I finally graduated from the machine. He was brilliant. I should have seen him 6 months ago. But that's not possible as he works for another organization in adult rehab.

Anyway. He listened. He studied what had happened. He taught me to do kinesiotherapy taping on my knee. He showed me which kind of supports are good and why. He made a plan for me. And he also told me his opinion why I'm not charging over night so good. It made sense. He gave me his opinion on how long this will take me to get back to almost normal (September). I learned so much. I understand so much more over my situation.

And what a difference to my visit to the doctors yesterday. I was so confused after yesterday's visit. So thrown off balance. Today, my mind was clear and I was smiling. Yup. Finally I'm on top of my situation.

I don't have the strength to tell with happened with the doctor yet. It was so much! Too much really. But I will. It would be kind of comic, if it wasn't about such serious matter. It felt more like I was on candid camera. The feeling that leaves you thinking "did that just happen". 

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