
By windychickens

Daisies and dates

Another day with lots and lots of walking. In the walk to church, I tried to walk slowly and appreciate it a bit more. Love daisies in sunshine.

Bible study was great and then collected my new glasses. Discarding a pair I’ve been wearing for 10 years is going to take some getting used to.

Today is ‘Due date’ for DougsJB and PuddleDucks baby. I saw both of them this morning. They’re excited and energetic. We all hope this little girl makes a safe appearance soon. We can’t wait.

Today is also my next brother up’s 60th birthday. If Phil has turned 60, I’m on my way. Eeek. Not yet mind, but on my way! ;-)
We’ll be celebrating with him in a couple of weeks time. I can’t wait.

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