Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR


Gavin took Xena for a run this morning before work and so I was able to go grocery shopping earlier than usual. It was another lovely warm day, sunny and about 23C.

After lunch I took Xena for another walk, we walked for an hour and a half in the woods down the road from our house and I photographed wild flowers along the way. I do love these tiny stitchwort, such pretty little flowers. There are still many bluebells around but they are past their peak and starting to wither.

I read a very interesting article about chronological age versus biological age. There is not much one can do about one's chronological age, but by living a healthy lifestyle you can bring down your biological age, which experts are now thinking is more important. In addition to good sleep, not smoking, enough exercise, a healthy diet and not being overweight, being important for a good biological age, there are more specific things one can do such as time restricted eating - the goal being to move breakfast later and eat supper earlier so that you fast for 14 hours overnight and only eat during a 10 hour window. This is the kind of stuff being studied at the lab that Adam is joining later this year at the Salk Institute in San Diego, circadian rhythms having a very strong link to infection and immunity.

Tomorrow I am hopefully photographing foxes! A member of my camera club is an outstanding wildlife photographer, and he has started a business of wildlife photography workshops. There will be only two of us with the wildlife photographer and we hope to find some foxes and cubs. I have plenty of foxes in my garden, I can set my clock to the fox that trots past my study window every day in the late afternoon, sending Xena into a frenzy! Not easy to photograph though with a dog barking through the window!

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