Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid


The day is far from over, so this is an early blip from me! I have to admit, I am catching up on five days of blips and decided to start with today.

Today has a few things to celebrate:
- It is Mother's Day in the rest of the world
- It is Nurses Day
- It would have been G's parents' 79th wedding anniversary
- It is Gordon, my step-brother's birthday

G has been talking about having a Sunday roast for a while. Today, we finally had it. Home-cooked, as you can see. It was dee-li-cious, washed down with Prosecco! Sadly, in my rush to get a picture before the meal gets cold, I didn't look carefully at the camera settings, so the ISO here is ridiculously high, making the colours look pale. I can see that this new camera is going to take a lot of getting used to.

I ironed while G was making lunch and need to do some more when she goes out later for the service. It's been a good Sunday. And Happy Mother's Day to all the mums who are being acknowledged today. :))

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