My Daily Life in Photo's.

By Mothermudd


There seems to be lots of Wisteria around this year, so beautiful.
A popular day to be born, I know 5 people born on this day between
 a 7 year old & a 60 year old.
I did lots of washing today, the line was full & I just about had enough pegs.
Beautiful Sunny May day, how lucky, I walked to the Post office as I keep meaning to post Birthday cards to Australia; on my way back I walked past this wall of Wisteria on the side of the garden of a house I like the look off as they have stained glass windows & quirky things around. 
I popped into ESK on the way back in the hope that they would have Capillary matting which they did, so it'll be easier for Melissah to water the plants in the Greenhouse when I'm away on Holiday.

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