Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice

Progress report

There's a lot of work still to do, and a lot of plants to buy, but compared to this, we (with a lot of help from others, of course) are really making a difference to our front garden.  The pond is not yet full - full would be up to the top of the stones, but the rain on Monday will add to it, and we'll gradually put more in from our well.

Nice to see that the trees have also grown a bit since last year.

I had a leisurely morning, whilst W worked hard to make a potting bench - I must blip it sometime soon.  Then another full on fluting session in the afternoon, this time with the small orchestra, who also are putting on a concert shortly.

As I write this on Monday morning, it's raining hard, which will be good for the grass seed Joe spread on Saturday.  Hopefully sometime later this week we'll catch a gap in the rain, and our landscapers will install a pump so we have a rill.

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