
By Grammy

The Rose

Oh, what a night. My poor Millie. She completely missed the litter pan. Hubby found it around 2:00 am. I cleaned the floor, her waterproof mat, etc. Once I am awake, it takes awhile to get back to sleep. My insomnia was heightened by a spider who wanted to read my Kindle while I was. So glad it has a cover that was shut immediately! We had a blanket outside wrapped around Millie’s kitty house that was on the outside rug. Guess it hopped aboard and got on the bed. I finally crawled out of bed around 8 but have been dragging all day. She has been much better today, only one major accident, but we have decided to go home one day early and will take her to the vet for advice. We looked up many things about kitties while sitting by the fire this morning. It was 47°F by the way. Our research says she probably has arthritis in her hips/back legs and a problem with her liver. We will see what they say on Wednesday. I guess I have prolonged the inevitable because I feel as old and decrepit as my sweet kitty. However, I don’t think someone should “put me out of my misery.” We looked at symptoms a cat displays when they are in pain. Millie doesn’t seem to have them. We would be going home tomorrow even if Millie was fine. It is supposed to rain hard with possible hail for the next two days. We certainly do not want to break camp in those conditions. So we’ve disassembled all but the bare minimum and stowed it. Otherwise, we have been under the canopy resting. With no hikes, blip material is at a minimum. This is the rose they gave mother’s at the restaurant yesterday. It is definitely lovely enough to share. My Millie is like a rose. I hope you were rested today. Stay safe. Thanks for stopping by. “Loveliest of lovely things are they on earth that soonest pass away. The rose that lives its little hour is prized beyond the sculpted flower.” – William Cullen Bryant

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